
Your Dental Checkup Could Save Your Life: The Link Between Overall Health and Oral Cancer

Jun 4 • 2 minute read

Oral health as indication of overall health:

You might be surprised to learn that your mouth is more than just an opening for eating and talking. It's actually a window into your overall health. Just like any other part of your body, your mouth is teeming with bacteria. While most of this bacteria is harmless, an unhealthy mouth can create an environment where harmful bacteria thrive. This imbalance can lead not only to oral health problems like cavities and gum disease (or bad breath, ew!) but also contribute to serious health issues throughout the body, including heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers.

The Silent Threat: Early Detection with Oral Cancer Exams

One of the more serious implications to poor oral health is oral cancer. Oral cancer often develops without noticeable symptoms in the early stages. This is why the routine oral cancer exam performed by your dentist is so crucial! So if you’ve been busy with life, or you know you are about to be in a crazy routine (i.e. summer!) you might want to make sure your regular visits are scheduled and on the calendar! 

Getting screened for oral cancers and other conditions is easy at Mill Point Dental. During this painless procedure, your dentist will visually examine your mouth, face, and neck for any abnormalities, including:

  • Red patches and sores

  • Leukoplakia (white or gray patches)

  • Lumps or thickening of tissues

Early detection means more options for treatment, and higher chances for a successful outcome! Yay, cancer screenings? You bet! 

Behaviors and Oral Cancer Risk 

While the exact cause of oral cancer is still being investigated, research shows a strong link between certain lifestyle choices and the risk of developing the disease. Around 75% of oral cancers are associated with modifiable behaviors like:

  • Smoking and tobacco use

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Mill Point Dentists are here to be a valuable resource for information and support if you're looking to make positive lifestyle changes and reduce your risk factors. 

Taking Control of Your Oral Health

Take your mouth and health into your own hands! Here's what you can be empowered to do to safeguard your oral health and minimize your risk of oral cancer:

  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings: Aim for at least one checkup that includes oral cancer screening every year.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush twice daily and floss regularly to remove plaque and bacteria that can contribute to oral health problems.

  • Adopt healthy habits: Limit tobacco and alcohol consumption, and prioritize a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

  • Be aware of changes in your mouth: Pay attention to any persistent sores, lumps, or bleeding in your mouth. 

Don't wait for symptoms to appear, or for any signs of issues to go on too long. Schedule your next dental appointment today and discuss oral cancer screening with your dentist. Together, we can take proactive steps towards a healthy smile and a healthier you!

Book your appointment here. Learn more about Mill Point Dental's services and procedures.

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