
Top Dental Travel Tips from the Experts!

Jun 11 • 4 minute read

Smile Bright on Your Summer Adventures: 5 Dental Travel Tips from Mill Point Dental!


Summer is here, and with it comes the exciting prospect of funner adventures near and far! What is on your summer bucket list? If you are exploring a new city, or camping under the stars, maintaining a healthy smile is essential for a stress-free and enjoyable vacation. Here at Mill Point Dental, we want to help you keep your pearly whites sparkling as bright as those summer stars. We’ve got some summer dental tips that you can pack with you wherever your adventures take you. 

Tip #1: Pack Like a Pro

Grab all your dental essentials and put them in one little bag so you know exactly where they are and they are easy to grab when you’re headed to the camp bathroom (or just waiting for your turn in the hotel room!) If you are tired, or it’s dark out, you don’t want to be fumbling around with a flashlight looking for your floss. 

Tip #2: Travel-Size Your Dental Routine

If you typically use an electric toothbrush or a powered water flosser, you probably don’t want to lug all that equipment on your next excursion. Not to mention that nothing ruins the tranquility of an evening at Sparks Lake like the motor of a travel-sized electric toothbrush!  Consider adopting a travel routine that can go anywhere. While it may not be your usual full brushing experience, it can help freshen breath and remove some food particles until you can get back to your regular routine. A toothbrush, travel sized toothpaste and your floss of choice is perfect for taking on the go. If you have extra room, go ahead and splurge, throw in the mini mouthwash, too. 

Tip #3: Floss Like a Boss

Speaking of floss, don’t skip this step just because you're out of your daily routine or in a new place. If you are camping or fishing, you might want to stock up on pre-threaded flossers for easy access, convenience, and cleanliness. Nothing dampens that minty fresh feeling like flossing with fingers that have just been out in the rugged wilderness. 

Tip #4: Keep Your Smile Hydrated

Did you know you are more likely to drink less water on vacation due to the mix up in your daily routine? Walking around all day, flying on a plane, and being more on the go are all activities that are likely to dehydrate you on vacation. 

Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, which increases the risk of cavities and bad breath. Carry a reusable water bottle with you on your travels and sip throughout the day, especially after sugary drinks, adult beverages, or salty snacks. 

Tip #5: Plan Ahead and Schedule a Checkup Before You Go

For ultimate peace of mind, or if any dental issues are currently bothering you, schedule a dental checkup before your trip. This allows your dentist to address any potential concerns and ensure your smile is vacation-ready. If you experience any dental emergencies while traveling, make sure you have your dentist's contact information and having a backup plan (like finding a dentist near your destination) can save the day – or rather, your vacation!

Bonus tips! 

We are all about the bonus tips! Check these out to get up your oral health game this summer! 

Snacking Smart: 

Summer vacations are often filled with indulging in local treats and grabbing on-the-go snacks. We are all for enjoying food and treats while on vacation; that’s part of the fun, right!?  Just make sure to also pack a few healthy options to keep your smile healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and cheese are all great choices that provide essential nutrients and satisfy cravings without packing a sugary punch. Shelf stable snack options are especially important to pack for your drive or flight home. You’ll want some decent options on hand for after the good stuff is gone and you are tired from traveling. This way, you avoid overindulging on sweet or salty snacks. 

Sun Smarts for Your Lips:

Sunburn isn't just for your skin! Your lips are susceptible to sun damage too. Pack a lip balm with SPF 30 or higher to protect your lips from harmful UV rays. Reapply throughout the day, especially after swimming or eating. Also, if you tend to get cold sores, according to the Mayo Clinic, sun or wind exposure can trigger an outbreak. 

With a little planning and some dental knowledge, you can maintain a healthy smile and avoid any dental disasters this summer. Here’s to the start of a fantastic summer; get out there and explore! 

If you need to schedule your next dental appointment or are interested in Mill Point Dental’s growing list of services and procedures, give us a call or book your appointment here

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