
Services we offer at Mill Point Dental

May 12 • 4 minute read

When patients come to Mill Point Dental, we want to make sure they know what we offer… and what we don't! When you ask questions during a cleaning (yes, we can chat a bit; we love that!) or if you are asking the Dentist about any concerns near the end of your appointment, feel free to ask! You might be wondering if we offer procedures like teeth whitening (we do!) or invisalign (we do!), and if it's a service we don't provide, we can help point you to someone who does. 

At Mill Point Dental, we care most about the overall health of your mouth and gums, so while we offer these services, we realize that some of our patients have yet to discover them! Probably because we are so excited to talk about your health and hear about all the great things going on with you. So, let's get into it! Here's what we offer at Mill Point and what we typically refer out: 

Services and Care at Mill Point Dental: 

Cosmetic Dentistry: 

Mill Point offers Cosmetic Dentistry, such as veneers, anterior crowns, invisalign, and whitening. We want to ensure those treatments work for you and keep your mouth healthy! A healthy mouth that looks gorgeous? Yep, you CAN actually have it all when it comes to your smile, and Mill Point can help you get there. 

Laser Treatments: 

We also offer laser treatments for cold sores and canker sores (aphthous ulcers). If you suffer from either of these, you know that they can be extremely painful. But the worst part is that these conditions can last for as long as 7-14 days, which can really cramp your style. These sores make eating, drinking, talking (and sometimes even sleeping) NOT fun. But did you know that we can use a laser treatment to help? 

For around the cost of an X-ray, you can book your appointment here and get a laser treatment that will help those areas feel better and heal much faster! We'd pick that over gargling baking soda any day. 

General Dentistry From Fillings to Implants:  

Mill Point offers a wide range of general dentistry, including regular cleanings and exams, as well as deep cleanings. We also do periodontal work, which is focused on gum health and restoration. We can provide dental fillings, sealants, same-day dental crowns, Invisalign, oral surgery, in-office dental bridges, partial/full/hybrid dentures, and implants.

New Services at Mill Point Dental, Starting May 2024: 

We are welcoming a new dentist to our team, Dr. Michael, and we are really excited to offer the services he’ll be adding to Mill Point Dental. These new services will be starting May 1, 2024 and include Implant placement, Extractions, and IV sedation! 

Whew, that's quite the list of procedures we offer here at Mill Point Dental! You may think we're pretty busy over here at Mill Point Dental, but because of our patients and our team, we're always smiling. 

Anxious About Going to the Dentist? 

If visiting the Dentist makes you want to hide your smile instead of showing it off, we get it! Dental anxiety affects about 36% of Americans (source) and even if you don't typically get nervous during a cleaning but maybe you suddenly find yourself worried, you are not alone! We realize that one bad past experience can make going to the Dentist a little more nerve-wracking the next time around. That's why we have options to make your visit comfortable. 

We Specialize in Dental Anxiety Support! 

At Mill Point Dental, we strive to put you at ease and make oral health fun, but we know that sometimes you need a little extra help to relax once you sit down in the chair. 

Mill Point can help you out with our anxiety patient care options! We can treat you with laughing gas, a sedative pill, or even IV sedation to help you relax and create an effortless experience while at Mill Point. And hey, who knows, our jokes about brushing might even seem funnier, so it's a win all around. 

Referrals Are Available for Complex Surgery and Root Canals: 

Complex or riskier Oral surgery procedures and root canals are typically services that we refer to another specialist dental practice, and we can help you with a referral and point you in the right direction.

More about Mill Point Dental and Our Dentists: 

Mill Point Dental is on a mission to spread joy one smile at a time! Our goal is to ensure everyone leaves our office absolutely loving their smile. Dr. Eric Alston, a Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry, is passionate about new patient exams, relishing the chance to meet new people and help them achieve optimal health. His ultimate joy? Witnessing someone's beaming smile after they've hidden it away. Dr. Sarah Kolander, also a Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry, received her education from Midwestern University-Illinois College of Dental Medicine. She thrives on providing comprehensive dental care and loves changing attitudes towards dental visits, especially for kids, creating a fun and memorable experience. 

We're on a mission to turn frowns upside down and transform grins into beacons of joy. Because, let's face it, there's nothing better than spreading happiness one smile at a time! 

Our goal? Seeing our patients smile at every stage of life!
Come in and see why Mill Point Dental is funner! 

Book your appointment here. Learn more about Mill Point Dental's services and procedures

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